“Momento” is a short dance creation born out of the collaboration between Dresden-based choreographers Maria Chiara de’ Nobili and Alexander Miller. The piece focuses on a non-chronological set of moments defining the life of a couple. Memories are chaotically following each other. All conflicts are resolved into the acknowledgment of what really matters. After a long journey through the revival of a life time of common experiences, the characters are finding each other back somewhere between the innocence of the past and the uncertainty of the future.
Cast & Credits
Choreography/Dance: Alexander Miller & Maria Chiara de’ Nobili
Composition: Freya Arde
Camera: Patrick Schwarz
Camera Assistance: Odbayar Batsuuri
Light Design: Geohwan Ju
Prop Driver: Philip Lehmann
Composition: Freya Arde
Camera: Patrick Schwarz
Camera Assistance: Odbayar Batsuuri
Light Design: Geohwan Ju
Prop Driver: Philip Lehmann
Production & Funding
Supported by: HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts 84’,
TIL - Centre for Urban Culture, TENZA Schmiede, Gefördert durch Kreativ-Transfer, aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
Thanks to Katharina Christl, Frederic Coupet, Romy Hitzer and Philip Lehmann.
TIL - Centre for Urban Culture, TENZA Schmiede, Gefördert durch Kreativ-Transfer, aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
Thanks to Katharina Christl, Frederic Coupet, Romy Hitzer and Philip Lehmann.