Six dancers, six guys, 40° in the studio. Urban, breaking, contemporary and everything that fits in between. Colliding and rebounding. Hardening up and loosening up. Being alone or being part of it. One group, one PACK.
We see a group testing the limits of their bodies. We hear their weight crashing on the dance floor and feel the breeze. Sometimes weightlessly whirling overhead, sometimes knotted up inside themselves and calm, the dancers open up the stage for themselves. What connects them? What rules, rituals and roles make up their togetherness? How does a common place emerge? What is possible in it? And how much can it withstand? We - how did that go again?
Number of People Traveling: 8
Duration: 55 min
Minimum Stage Size: 8x8m
Stage/Scenography Required:
– Black Box
– White /Grey dance floor
– No Objects
Studio Time Required: 2 Days
Stage Time Required: 2 Days (Technical Setup + Stage Rehearsal)
Cast & Credits
Choreography: Maria Chiara de' Nobili & Alexander Miller in collaboration with the dancers
Dancers: Egon Gerber, Philip Lehmann, Anton Schalnich, Zino Schat, Constantin Trommlitz, Nam Tran Xuan
Light Design: Geohwan Ju
Costume: Antonia Krull
Composition: Michele Strobino
Production Management: Michael Lippold
Dramaturgy: Marvin Neidhardt
Photos by Carsten Beier
Production & Funding
Supported by: So geht sächsisch.